School has really begun in full force. I am now deaply into my studies and trying to finish this school year as soon as possible.
Just think - My name being call. Me. walking up on stage and receiving my associate degree!
I just cant wait. I want it BAD!!
I already know exactly what college I am going to attend next!. After my flashmob project I decided that i wanted to get into the event managment business. It's just a perfect fit.
The rush of getting everything organized, giving the client exactly what they want and more and ofcourse the satisfaction of a job well done is the best feeling every. This is how i see my life and this is what i am working hard for. This lifestyle will be mine * crazy obsessed person voice.
If you believe in your dream why do you need others to approve it?
It's good to atleast have an idea on where you want to end up in life. Instead of taking it as it comes.